Utah/VA Conceal Carry Course + Florida Permit Option
Monday, December 20th, 2021
4:00pm - 8:00pm Classroom
Inn at Villanova
This 4-hour concealed carry course, will allow you to apply for your VA Concealed Handgun Permit and Utah Non-Resident Concealed Firearm Permit, which are valid in over 30 states, and also includes Florida Permit option. *Note for VA residents: No existing permit is needed to take this course and you will have 1 year from the course date to submit your Utah Non-Resident application, so you will have time to complete your Virginia application as well.
The course is taught by NRA certified & Utah BCI certified firearm instructors. Course instruction includes the following topics: handgun safety rules, handgun parts and operation, ammunition, fundamentals of shooting, malfunctions, safe firearms handling, U.S. federal firearms regulations, practical and legal comprehensive legal review, and more. Fingerprinting for Utah Permit is included.
Date: Monday, December 20th, 2021
Time: 4:00pm - 8:00pm (Classroom
Location: Inn at Villanova
Cost: $125.00 *
*(Additional Florida Permit Cost $75 live fire. Ammunition and Range Fee Not Included